See What’s New in the MadCap Central May 2018 Release
Webinar Summary
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The MadCap Central May 2018 Release adds a new lightweight editor for streamlined contribution and review with MadCap Flare. Subject matter experts, authors and other non-Flare users can now easily create and review content using an integrated cloud-based workflow. With this new review workflow, MadCap Central now has two kinds of users—Authors and Subject Matter Experts. The Author has full access to all of MadCap Central’s functionality, while the Subject Matter Expert has access to only parts of the user interface relevant for reviewing content.
Over the course of the hour, Jennifer Morse, Director of Product Evangelism, and Justin Bondoc, Sales Engineer II, will provide an overview of the benefits of working in MadCap Central, as well as a comprehensive look at the latest new features and functionality added to MadCap Central.