Project Showcase: N-able Technologies Migrates from FrameMaker® to Flare
Webinar Summary
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N-able Technologies, known for its award-winning remote monitoring and management software for managed service providers and IT departments, used to produce its technical documentation using processes based on the traditional print model.
To improve the delivery of content and their customer experience, N-able migrated from Adobe® FrameMaker® to Flare and improved their online Help in a number of ways. Join Patrick Calnan, Documentation Team Leader at N-able Technologies, as he reviews how the migration process was accomplished and the numerous benefits that were achieved.
Mr. Calnan will also examine how the company utilizes other programs, such as Analyzer and Capture, as well as the new social collaboration platform, MadCap Pulse. Patrick will pass along some early findings and experiences with the latest cutting-edge documentation solutions.
This informative presentation will provide lessons learned "from the trenches", as it were, with practical examples of how Flare, Analyzer, Capture and Pulse are all part of a technical writer's toolkit.