Project Showcase: Bomgar Improves SEO with a New Approach to WebHelp Targets
Webinar Summary
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Bomgar, the leading remote support software solution for enterprise companies, once produced its technical documentation with Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Word. Because Bomgar issues multiple software releases every year, the traditional print approach was becoming cumbersome for the Technical Communications team. The print approach also presented usability challenges for customers and internal resources, who often had trouble locating the most recent documentation.
Bomgar decided to streamline the documentation process by migrating to Flare. Flare’s single-sourcing capabilities dramatically improved productivity, immediately outpacing the old methods of generating PDF guides. Even more dramatic has been the SEO impact stemming from the publication of Bomgar’s WebHelp.
Justin Brock, SEO Strategist and former Technical Writer for Bomgar, viewed findability through an SEO lens and took an innovative approach to Flare’s WebHelp Targets. The result was – a Flare target that looks considerably different from traditional WebHelp output and functions much like a standard website. Now, not only are customers and internal resources able to find documentation easier, new prospects often discover Bomgar through the WebHelp. The documentation site is now not only vital to customers and technical resources, but to Bomgar’s sales and marketing teams, as well.
In this webinar, you’ll learn many of the tactics Mr. Brock used in this new approach to Flare’s WebHelp output. You’ll also see how technical documentation can have a broader impact on the business.