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Coors Field, Denver | September 29 - October 1, 2025

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Picture This: Optimizing Images with MadCap Flare and Capture

Webinar Summary

Presented By:

photo of Paul Pehrson, webinar presenter
Paul Pehrson, Certified MadCap Flare Trainer & Consultant | DocGuy Training

Sometimes people wonder: "What is Capture, and why should I use it?" In this session, certified Flare instructor Paul Pehrson demonstrates the power of integrating Capture into your Flare workflow. Learn how to Capture allows you to re-capture old screenshots without re-cropping, and without modifying the call-outs. Discover how Capture call-outs can be translated, giving you greater flexibility working with multi-language projects. Find out how to improve efficiency in your work flow by using Capture Profiles, and re-using the same image in online and print outputs. See how you can effectively use thumbnails, create figure numbers and image captions, and modify your style sheet to support different types of images in the same output. This session is crammed with tons of useful tips that will improve the professionalism of your output, and make it faster and easier for you to deliver.