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Coors Field, Denver | September 29 - October 1, 2025

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Context-Sensitivity Demystified

Webinar Summary

Presented By:

photo of Neil Perlin, webinar presenter
Neil Perlin, Certified Flare Trainer and Consultant | Hyper/Word Services

If you’re a new MadCap Flare author, one of the most intimidating tasks in a project may be the context-sensitive help coding. The concepts may be new, the mechanics appear to draw you into code, and you'll have to work closely with engineering. But, the concepts are actually no more complex than the concepts behind a phone book. The design issues fall into a few clearly delineated options. Engineering does most of the work. And Flare helps you with what’s left. After you’ve done context-sensitivity coding a few times, you may decide that it’s far from intimidating. But it still can feel daunting at first.

In this webinar, we’ll look at the structural and design concepts behind context-sensitivity coding, the job roles, and how Flare helps you do the actual work with fewer errors and problems.