Automating Quality Assurance with the Mad Quality Plugin
Webinar Summary
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Projects often have hundreds or even thousands of topics to maintain. With the Mad Quality plugin, developed by Mattias Sander, founder and owner of Improvementsoft, you can now improve your documentation quality automatically without spending time going through all of your files.
With the plugin you can automatically validate your topics to ensure they comply with your company style guide and information model. Both writers and managers can make sure that everything you release lives up to your set standards.
In the upcoming version of the plugin, you can even calculate a quality score KPI to follow how the doc set develops over time based on your defined rules. It will also include sets of proposed rules, as well as, a way to set up new rules using a CSS-based syntax. You can even integrate the quality check into your automated build process using the MadQualityCommander command-line interface.
This webinar highlights one of the many ways MadCap Flare is flexible and extensible to offer a more structured authoring approach if desired, but without the need for custom programming or consultants.