MadCap Flare Videos
Micro Content (7 of 15): FAQ Proxy in Topic Output
An FAQ proxy in MadCap Flare lets you generate a list of phrases and responses for the selected micro content file(s) in most outputs. Results are static, based on specific criteria selected when the target is built, not on the search engine output. This type of proxy is ideal for including traditional FAQs, but it can be used for other purposes as well. In this video, we explain, and demonstrate through examples, how to use an FAQ proxy for different purposes within your topic output.
More MadCap Flare Videos: Overview Videos | Shorties | Start a Project | Single-Sourcing | XML Editor | Learning & Development | Content and Features | Micro Content | Context-Sensitive Help | Branding | Styles | Meta Tags | Source Control | Managing Projects | Output | Print-Based Output