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The #1 content experience management platform.

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Discover Why Industry Experts Are Gravitating Towards MadCap Software Over the Adobe Technical Communications Suite

From authoring, publishing and translation to cloud-based content management, you can streamline the entire content development lifecycle with MadCap Software. Cutting-edge features and patented technology means your organization stays ahead of the curve with the latest trends in content development and delivery. MadCap Flare and MadCap Central make it easy to create content for web, print, desktop and mobile platforms while maximizing ROI across the enterprise.

I evaluated MadCap Flare and found it was the most flexible platform using up-to-date modern web standards. The quality of published resources, the webinars, and conferences from MadCap Software, and the fact that I enjoyed using Flare made it the obvious choice.

Tony Dzumaga | Technical Author, Apteco

MadCap Flare + Central vs. Adobe Technical Communications Suite® 2022 Detailed Comparison

End-to-End Solutions with MadCap

From content authoring and publishing to translations and cloud-based content management, MadCap Software provides an all-encompassing platform for content developers. Its seamless integration ensures a smooth transition through different phases of content development.

Staying Ahead with Innovation

MadCap Software, with its cutting-edge features and proprietary technology, ensures that users are always aligned with the rapidly evolving trends in content creation and delivery.

Versatile Content Creation with MadCap Flare

With MadCap Flare, users get the flexibility to design content for a plethora of platforms, be it web, mobile, desktop, or print. The emphasis is on enhancing user engagement and ensuring high ROI for businesses.

Built for eLearning & Development

MadCap Software revolutionizes the eLearning landscape by offering a suite of integrated solutions designed specifically for content creators, educators, and instructional designers. With its industry-leading tools, MadCap Software empowers users to create interactive, responsive, and visually appealing content tailored for modern learners. From single-source authoring to multimedia integration and advanced topic management, MadCap ensures that eLearning materials are not only engaging but also easily manageable and scalable.

General Product Information

  MadCap Central Adobe Technical Communications Suite

Download Size:

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MadCap Flare: ~727 MB, no download required for MadCap Central

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Flexible Windows OS Support:

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MadCap Software: Flare and Central support both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows 7, 8, and 10. You can also run MadCap Flare on a Mac with My Virtual Windows Machine

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Can only be installed on Windows 10 64-bit.

Agile Release Cycle and Updates:

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MadCap Software:MadCap Software releases major new updates for MadCap Flare multiple times a year. Agile development allows for more releases, updates and bug fixes on a more frequent basis.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Based on history, Adobe® typically only has a major release every 18 - 24 months (fewer and less frequent updates often make it difficult to support newer technologies such as OS and web browser updates as they become available).

Animated Tutorials/Demos:

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MadCap Flare: Offers full integration with MadCap Mimic.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Supports Captivate movies. The integration between the two is limited. There is no support for project or build variables.

Reports and Project Analysis:

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MadCap Flare: Robust project analysis integrated directly within the software.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Some Adobe tools might offer reporting, but the depth and scope could be limited.

Translation and Localization Workflow:

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MadCap Flare: Direct support for translation through XML-based project files and MadCap Lingo.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe tools support a wide range of formats and may offer export features that facilitate translation, but direct translation and localization workflows might be different.

Plugin API:

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MadCap Flare: Offers a plug-in API.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Some tools in the suite might provide APIs or scripting capabilities, but it would vary by tool.

Templates Designed for Single-Sourcing:

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MadCap Flare: Multiple specialized templates available.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe's suite might offer templates, but specifics would be based on the tool within the suite.

Advanced Single-Sourcing:

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MadCap Software: Flare was built with single-sourcing and topic-based authoring as the focus, with an entire feature-set revolving around single-sourcing and content reuse in one tool:

  • Unlimited TOCs
  • Unlimited targets
  • Snippets
  • Conditions
  • Variables
  • Snippet conditions/variables
  • Micro Content
  • Micro Content conditions/variables
  • Tags
  • Glossary sets
  • And much more
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Although FrameMaker® does have some features for content reuse, it is based on a "chapter-based" authoring paradigm. Its unstructured mode cannot take advantage of the reuse strengths that modern topic-based authoring paradigms allow.

Updated Internal Help System:

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MadCap Flare: Comprehensive internal help system.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Typically provides extensive online help resources, though the depth and relevancy might vary across all the tools in the suite.

Controlled Language/Simplified Technical English Support:

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MadCap Flare: Supported via HyperSTE and Acrolinx.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: The support might differ across tools and would need specific verification.

Reports and Project Analysis:

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MadCap Software: Flare not only offers a large number of free 'static' reports for users, but it also provides a set of 'dynamic' reports. The errors or warnings in these reports can be double-clicked to open the topic with the error or warning message selected. Some of these reports in Flare include:

  • Broken hyperlinks
  • Topics not in index
  • Topics not in TOC
  • Unused files
  • And many more
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® only offers a few 'static' textual reports. Other reports are available via Distiller on output, but any real reporting that is needed will have to be done using third-party tools.

Word Count Report:

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MadCap Flare: Inbuilt reporting for word count.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Some tools like Adobe InDesign might have native word count features, but others might rely on external scripts or plugins.

Authoring Capabilities

  MadCap Flare FrameMaker®

Responsive Authoring:

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MadCap Software: Flare supports responsive and intuitive authoring, allowing content to adjust based on device or screen size.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® and RoboHelp® do not offer any kind of responsive authoring environment.

Conditionalized Authoring:

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MadCap Software: Author content in the Topic Editor more efficiently by only seeing the content that you need. Flare offers the ability to Hide/Show content in the topic editor based on conditional expressions.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Does not have such support.

Text Analysis

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MadCap Software: Flare offers a text analysis tool to help enhance content consistency. Central now offers AI Assist, a ChatGPT plugin that can be used not only to generate content but also to analyze existing content and propose improvements.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Does not have a direct inbuilt tool like Flare's for text analysis.

List Usability

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MadCap Software: Flare makes it easy to create and edit lists and include options to work with paragraphs or simple lists, merge all selected lists and sort lists while editing or at build time.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® provides support for lists using auto-numbered paragraphs instead of true list structure. There is also no support to merge or sort lists.

Layout Resizer

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MadCap Software: Flare allows previewing of different screen sizes within the authoring environment.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: This isn't a native feature as intuitive as Flare’s user interface.

Dynamic Preview

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MadCap Software: The preview for topics, snippets and template pages now displays in a dynamic window pane. This allows you to keep the preview open while you work and see changes as you make them in the XML Editor.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® and RoboHelp® do not offer a code snippet editor nor syntax highlighting for code in the output.

Collapse Tags in XML Editor

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MadCap Software: Flare allows you to collapse whole blocks of content in the editor making it easier to locate and edit a specific part of the content. Any block element or heading group can be collapsed.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite:

  • RoboHelp® limits collapsing in the editor to expanding text and dropdowns.
  • FrameMaker® has a structured view to allow a high level view of the content but it does not collapse the content in the document window.

Code Snippet

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MadCap Software: Flare allows for easy addition of code snippets with the Code Snippet Editor. The code snippets also include automatic syntax highlighting based on a selected coding language that works for all output types.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Neither RoboHelp® nor FrameMaker® offer a code snippet editor nor syntax highlighting for code in the output.

Style Inspector

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MadCap Software: Style Inspector lets you see and edit the style details of the source stylesheet while also showing a preview of how these changes affect certain content files in real-time.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Does not have such support.

Branding Editor

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MadCap Software: Flare includes advanced WYSIWYG tools for editing your stylesheets without having to be a CSS expert. This allows your to easily create, update and maintain your branding guidelines across multiple projects.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Changes to the look and feel of your content require more expertise.


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MadCap Software: Using Flare's File Tagging feature, topics can be tagged with author, status, or other pieces of metadata as required. Unlimited numbers of new tags can be created by the authoring team for anything that they may need.

Flare also allows authors to add Description data to each individual topic as well as other metadata for the 'Online" Targets.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® only supports a basic set of metadata, similar to Microsoft® Word's Document Properties; Author, Title, Subject, Copyright, etc.

Link Viewer

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MadCap Software: The Link Viewer window pane lets you see what other files a particular file is linked to and from. You can see incoming links from other files, outgoing links to other files and output targets associated with the selected file. This dynamic pane can be set to change when a new topic is selected or keep the data from the topic that you had previously selected..

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: RoboHelp® offers an out of date “map” of the links that you have to leave the current topic to see.

Structure Bars (Block Bars)

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MadCap Software: Flare features structure bars to give a visual representation of content hierarchy.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Does not have such support.

Feature Rich Topic (XHTML) Editing

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MadCap Software: Edit all of your content in a built-in, easy-to-use editor that allows you to see the structure of the document as well as all of the mark up without having to worry about it.

  • Easily edit and format content.
  • Split the editor to see the code while editing.
  • Sync the selections between the code and the editor in real-time.
  • Auto-complete tags and attributes when typing in the text editor.
  • Syntax coloring for CSS and XHTML in the text editor.
  • Flare also allows you to use other code editors to add and edit content.
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: With FrameMaker® you can only see the underlying code in another pane when in structured authoring mode, and you cannot freely edit it. In unstructured mode, there is no side-by-side code and WYSIWYG View, nor is there a real-time simultaneous display of changes in both views.

Insert IFrame

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You can embed special content such as videos, full web pages or documents into a topic using an IFrame element. This provides an easy way to quick embed content within an existing topic.

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FrameMaker® has no such support.

Importing Capabilities

  MadCap Flare FrameMaker®

Drag and Drop Import

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MadCap Software: Drag and drop files to copy into the project or to import and convert to Flare topics.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe has no such support with FrameMaker® or RoboHelp®

Import Microsoft® Word Documents

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  • MadCap Flare: Robust import UI provides a lot of flexibility and options to import your existing .doc and .docx files into a new or existing project. You have control over where your files break, whether to retain your formatting or not, style mapping options, import equations and many more advanced options.
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® imports Microsoft Word® Documents into existing FrameMaker® documents but with limited options.The following items are not supported in the Import process and are ignored:

  • Table of contents (TOC) and index
  • Headers and footers
  • Local paragraph overrides
  • Local character overrides
  • Text frames
  • ALL Word specific features
  • Linked graphics and images
  • Equations: If you Save the Word document as RTF and import, FrameMaker® will import them as PNG images

Markdown Documents Import

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MadCap Flare: allows you to import Markdown documents into new or existing projects, select the folder to import it to and whether or not to import any resources such linked images. Flare also supports importing from a selected folder of Markdown documents linking to them and auto-importing before generating selected outputs. In addition, you have control over

  • How the files break into different topics,
  • How Markdown styles are mapped to your Flare styles,
  • Importing equations and code blocks with syntax highlighting,
  • Apply table styles upon import, and many more advanced options.
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite:

FrameMaker® does not support converting Markdown documents into new projects, only into existing projects. In addition, Markdown documents can only be imported to DITA XML format. This feature is very basic with no option to customize how the files are imported.

RoboHelp® does not support converting Markdown documents into new projects, and only into existing projects. The import is very basic with no option to customize how the files are imported.

Import Microsoft® Excel® Spreadsheets

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MadCap Software: Excel Spreadsheets can be imported into Flare in 2 different ways:

  • As Topics, Flare will convert your content and place worksheets into topics. Title text on a worksheet tab will become a heading in the Flare topic.
  • As Snippets, Flare will convert your content and place each worksheet into a separate snippet.
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Microsoft® Excel® import is very basic and has limited import options - it also does not preserve the charts nor equations from the source file. RoboHelp® has no such support.

Import RoboHelp® Projects

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MadCap Software: Imports the content and project files used in RoboHelp® while reserving all of your content and most other items such as conditions, variables, snippets, glossaries, index entries, TOCs and more.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® has no such support.

Import HHP

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MadCap Software: Easily import legacy HTML Help Projects (.hhp) into Flare so you don’t have to spend the time recreating content.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® has no such support.

Import DITA

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MadCap Software: Flare has a native DITA import that not only keeps your content but all of the DITA meta-data (including relationship table data) during the import. There is no requirement for installing any external or third-party components, the entire process is handled by a transformation process within Flare.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite:

FrameMaker® allows you to work in DITA but only if you are in Structured Mode. You cannot import DITA in unstructured mode, it is imported as text and you will have to remove all tags and apply styles to reformat the content.

RoboHelp® does not support DITA imports.

Import HTML Files

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MadCap Software: Flare allows you to import HTML into a project, select the project folder to import it to and whether or not to import any resources such as images, style sheets, etc. Flare also allows users to point to a folder of HTML files and link to them and auto-import before generating selected outputs.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® has no such support.

Import CHM Files

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MadCap Software: At times users have been stuck with an old legacy CHM file that they need to update but no longer have the project. With Flare you can import the CHM into a new Flare project and save countless hours of recreating the content.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® has no such support.

Import Flare Projects

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MadCap Software: Import all or specific files (content, project files, etc.) from another Flare Project. Do this import once to seed a new project or “link” to the project to import automatically before generating specific outputs.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe has no such support.

Import Confluence

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MadCap Software: Import from Confluence pages and associated resources into a Flare project.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe has no such support.

Import Doc-To-Help Projects

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MadCap Software: Authors wanting to convert from Doc-To-Help to Flare can directly import their content into Flare. The import process will import the content as well as maintain other items such as variables, groups, etc. During the import, those items will be converted to the equivalent item in Flare.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe has no such support.

Import Author-it®

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MadCap Software: MadCap offers a free XML conversion tool that will use the published XML output from Author-it® and convert it to a MadCap Flare project while maintaining all project and source files. The utility converts the table of contents of Author-it® books into Flare topics. Embedded topics become Flare snippets, while variables, styles, glossaries, context IDs and index keywords are maintained through the conversion process.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe has no such support.

Sync Legacy Documents and Use Them in Outputs

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You can import your FrameMaker®, Microsoft® Word files and HTML files, etc., link to them and re-import them before every build. This allows you to have people in your organization create content in tools that they already use and automatically incorporate any changes they make into your next build. Flare also gives you the option to unlink and relink these imported files and even set an override in the target.

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FrameMaker® offers the ability to link by reference but doesn't offer nearly as much flexibility in bringing in your content.

External Resources Pane

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The External Resources window pane lets you select and maintain groups of external files that you want to share among Flare projects. External resources can be virtually any local or network files that you have access to (e.g., images, PDF files, Flare project files). From the External Resources window pane, you can easily bring external files into a project (i.e., a copy of the file is added to your Flare project) and keep them synchronized with the source files through mappings.

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Standalone FrameMaker® has ways to link to external data between documents, but none as clean as having a resource pane to manage the files and links.

PDF Stitching

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MadCap Software: Flare allows you to stitch PDFs together simply by adding them to the project's TOC. This can be handy if you have content that resides in a PDF, a EULA for example, that you already have approved and want to add to your PDF output. Another use for this feature can be for assembling multi-language PDFs.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: RoboHelp® will merge the PDF but it does not preserve the layout used from the original PDF. All PDF editing must be done through Adobe Acrobat.

Learning and Development

  MadCap Flare FrameMaker®

Multiple Choice and Multiple Response Questions

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MadCap Software: MadCap Flare supports the creation of both multiple choice and multiple response questions. These questions can be used as simple test questions or be turned into knowledge check questions which include a submit button that provides immediate feedback for the learner. The content used in the questions can also be single sourced so that similar text or answers can be easily shared between questions or customized to be unique for different outputs.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Customizing default question templates in Adobe Captivate® can be less than intuitive for some users. Feature not available in Adobe Creative Cloud.

Convert Existing Content into Course/Test Content

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MadCap Software: Existing content can be quickly converted into an eLearning question. This means you can either import content from other files such as a Microsoft® Word document or take existing content from a topic and convert it to questions that can be used in a knowledge check or a graded test.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Using Adobe Captivate®, conversion might not always capture all formatting details, leading to manual adjustments to questions and answer spaces. Feature not available in Adobe Creative Cloud.

Create and Build Interactive eLearning Courses and Tests

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MadCap Software: MadCap Flare supports the creation of interactive eLearning courses and tests. Each topic can be converted to be part of a course and/or a test. Several options are available when creating tests, including the ability to randomize answers, assign a passing score, customize test result pages showing quiz results and limit the number of test attempts.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Initial setup and interface of Adobe Captivate® might be overwhelming for beginners due to its array of features. Feature not available in Adobe Creative Cloud.

xAPI (Tin Can) or SCORM Packages

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MadCap Flare makes it easy to streamline your content to be used with a Learning Management System. You can generate SCORM-compliant (SCORM 2004, 1.2) and xAPI-compliant (Tin Can) courses directly from MadCap Flare to upload to any external LMS or LRS. The eLearning packages can also be customized with settings to track based on the learners test result or percentage of the course completed.

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FrameMaker® has no such support.

Team Collaboration Capabilities

  MadCap Flare FrameMaker®

Review Workflow

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MadCap Software: A streamlined review workflow is available between Flare and MadCap Central. This process allows you to add non-Flare users—i.e., subject matter experts (SMEs)—to your Central license. Then you can collaborate with SMEs (and other authors) by viewing and working with the same Flare content files (i.e., topics and snippets) in a lightweight editor. The review process includes support for addition for tables, images, lists, definition lists and modification of eLearning questions and code snippets.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe Experience Manager is required for further collaboration and working between multiple Adobe products. Review processes in AEM can be more complex and may not be as streamlined for non-AEM users.

Collaboration Workflow

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MadCap Software: With MadCap Contributor, anyone in the company can create content and send it to a Flare author for inclusion in a Flare project. This content is written in XML so there is no data loss since there is no code conversion, both products "speak the same language".

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe Experience Manager is required for further collaboration and working between multiple Adobe products. While AEM supports content creation, its focus is not primarily on XML-based documentation collaboration.


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MadCap Software: Anyone in the company can review, annotate, and/or edit Flare topics using MadCap Contributor. This all happens in the native XML of the Flare topics file so there is no chance of data loss since there is no code conversion. With Flare, every "change" in a topic is marked for review whether it is adding or removing text, tables, images, applying conditional tags, applying inline formatting, etc. Reviewing content using annotations with MadCap Contributor is free.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe Experience Manager's annotation and review capabilities are more aligned with web content and digital asset management. The granularity provided by MadCap Contributor, where every "change" in a topic is marked for review, might not be replicated as precisely in AEM.

Global Project Linking

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MadCap Software: In Flare you can import content and project files contained in another Flare project, thus allowing you to maintain the information in one location but reuse it in any other project. You can include or exclude particular types of files (e.g., topics, snippets, stylesheets, glossaries, targets), specific individual files, or files that have certain condition tags applied. Simply use the include/exclude methods that work best for you.

This is different from a simple import process because in this case, the imported files remain linked to the source project. This allows you to make future updates to those files in just one place–in the source project file. When you perform ongoing imports using your previous settings, Flare recognizes changes to the source files. Therefore, the new files can be brought over, replacing the outdated files.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe Experience Manager primarily focuses on web content management. Its content reuse capabilities might not be as dynamic and specific, where content remains linked to the source project and recognizes changes for future imports.

Global Dictionary

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MadCap Software: Whether you are a single author or on a team, you can choose a location to store your dictionary so it can be used by all of your projects.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe has no such support.

Content and Project Management

  MadCap Flare FrameMaker®

Manage Projects Between Teams Online

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MadCap Software: Choose how your content is organized, whether everything is one project or separate projects. Upload as many projects as you wish to Central and choose who has access and their level of access to project activities including which users or teams have access to add and remove content and manage builds of each project.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe's suite does not have an integrated cloud platform comparable to MadCap Central, allowing for granular access controls and online project organization.

Task Management

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MadCap Software: MadCap Central supports full task management including assigning a priority, deadline and also an option to associate the task with a project.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: FrameMaker® and its integration with RoboHelp® Server and Adobe Experience Manager does not have support for task management.


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MadCap Software: MadCap Central supports creating checklists to keep track of work related to projects on Central. The checklists can be created based on the files in the project, or they can be custom created for any random thing that needs to be completed. Checklists can also be saved as templates to be reused in the future.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe offers no such support. MadCap's ability to create, template, and manage checklists is a distinct feature not inherently present in Adobe's suite.

Dashboard and Widgets

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MadCap Software: MadCap Central offers fully customizable dashboards for each project as well as an overall dashboard for the overall license. Each dashboard can be customized to show any number of widgets including storage used, choice of reports, build activity, bookmarks, sites, tasks and more.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe's suite doesn't offer a customizable dashboard system like MadCap Central that provides an at-a-glance overview of project statuses, activities, and specific widgets.

Output Analytics

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MadCap Software: Easily track usage on any hosted website or desktop output using MadCap Central. Data collected include searched phrases from end-users and the number and type of results returned, most visited topic topics, context-sensitive help calls, etc.

Host the content anywhere, not just with MadCap Central, and start gathering data analytics immediately.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe's suite does not provide an in-built feature to track end-user interactions, such as searched phrases or context-sensitive help calls, in the same integrated manner that MadCap Central does.

Export Project

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MadCap Software: You can export an entire MadCap Flare project, or parts of one, to another location. One reason you might want to use this feature is to quickly and easily archive projects, especially if you have an extremely large Flare project and need to archive only parts of it. Another use for this feature is translation. If you only need a portion of a parent project to be translated, you don't want to send the translator all the files, but rather a smaller version of the project containing only the files requiring translation.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: While Adobe tools allow for exporting and packaging of content, they might not offer the same level of granularity and specificity as MadCap in archiving or preparing content for translation.

Publishing Capabilities

  MadCap Flare FrameMaker®

Out of Process Build

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MadCap Software: Don't let your build process stop you from being productive. With Flare you can start and schedule/queue several builds from the project that you are working on or other projects while continuing to work.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Does not provide the same queue system for simultaneous builds while working, limiting multitasking capabilities.

Batch Build/Publish

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MadCap Software: Group various targets together so that they can be compiled and published at the same time. Batch targets can even be scheduled to generate and publish through the scheduler.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Does not have an integrated system for scheduling batch builds or publishing.

Compile Log File

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MadCap Software: Not only does Flare create a report for warnings and errors while compiling, but it allows you to save the report to a "dynamic log" file. This file allows you to open the topic and double-click the individual error messages to resolve them. Flare will also highlight the area that contains the error in the open topic when possible.

Flare also allows the author to turn on and off the types of errors displayed during a compile.

Users can specify where they would like the build logs saved with Flare.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: RoboHelp® offers a textual list of errors in their Output View.

Organize Publishing Targets

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MadCap Software: Use Flare’s Project Organizer to create folders and organize all of your targets. Store them in any structure that you choose so they can be easily found and used.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe Technical Communications Suite: doesn’t have a distinct Project Organizer feature like MadCap Flare.

Pre- and Post-Build Scripting

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You can add pre- or post-build events to your target. This lets you run command-line events before or after the target is generated. This allows you to change files before you build or after your build is complete.

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FrameMaker® has no such support.

Web/Online Outputs

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Not only can you generate professional print outputs from Flare, but you can generate digital "Online" outputs from it too.

  • CHM
  • DITA
  • Responsive HTML5
  • Eclipse Help
  • WebHelp
  • WebHelp Plus
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FrameMaker® can work with DITA and XML in structured mode, but it can only natively output HTML5, CHM and WebHelp with limited options and settings.

Coming from a Print centric environment to an online format could require a good bit of reformatting and restructuring.

TopNav and SideNav (Non-TriPane/Freeform HTML5 Output)

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MadCap Software: Create a new Industry changing output based on HTML5. You can now break the traditional tripane look and feel and customize your end user's experience.

Use the Top Navigation or Side Navigation skin for your navigation, along with options to fully customize search and menu components to further customize your output look and feel.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe offers no such customizable navigation experience inherent to the Technical Communications Suite.

HTML5 Topics (No Skin)

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MadCap Software: In addition to HTML5 output with top navigation and side navigation options, MadCap Flare also gives the option to build an output without factory-provided navigation. By choosing "none" for the HTML5 skin, you can build an output with either no navigation at all or a custom-designed navigation, search, and more using easy-to-use component skins.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe does not offer the same level of flexibility for skinless HTML5 output.

Clean or Static XHTML Output

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MadCap Software: Produce basic HTML files that are free of JavaScript, MadCap-specific tags and not dependent upon other MadCap-generated files. The output does not include any skins, search, navigation, or other extra features; it is simply your single-sourced content. This is ideal for porting your output to other types of systems; Ticketing, CMS, and others.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: RoboHelp ® added support for an XHTML output format that is free of JavaScript. However, it does not have an option to also collapse CSS styles in order to have standalone HTML files.


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MadCap Software: Flare has a powerful favicon editor that allows for unique icons per platform for HTML5 icons.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe lacks an advanced favicon editor.

Choose Specific Browser or Viewer to View Output

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MadCap Software: You can now choose any browser installed on your computer to open and view the output for a target from the project ribbon, target editor or Builds window.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe doesn't offer the same browser-choice flexibility for viewing output.

Content to Include Options

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MadCap Software: Flare makes it easy to choose which content is included when compiling online outputs including the option to include all content, content linked only to the TOC, and also content linked directly and indirectly from the target.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Outputs automatically include content linked directly and indirectly from the target - making it hard to include more content without ensuring they are linked directly or indirectly or include less content without ensuring all linked content are conditioned appropriately.

Multilingual Output

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MadCap Software: Flare's multilingual functionality has been improved to make it easier to create and build multilingual output. You can now seamlessly create multilingual outputs for each of Flare’s output types.

If you have translated any of your existing Flare projects, simply link the translated projects in the Target file and let Flare build all the translated projects into a single output.

A Language Selector button added to the topic toolbar skin allows end users to select which language they want to use when viewing the help.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: While Adobe tools support multilingual projects, they might not have the integrated translation project linking and interface features of MadCap.

Pass Credentials During Command-line Publish

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MadCap Software: In addition to being able to easily automate the publishing of your content with command line builds, you can also automate the publish process with support for passing credentials through command line using madbuild.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe tools have no such support.

Pre- and Post-Build Scripting

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MadCap Software: You can add pre- or post-build events to your target. This lets you run command-line events before or after the target is generated. This allows you to change files before you build or after your build is complete.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe tools allows you to run only a post compile script

508 Compliant/Accessible Tables in HTML5 Output

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MadCap Software: Full accessibility for tables in HTML5 output with the option to add captions and summaries along with Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes applied automatically to tables in the output.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe tools includes an option to add captions to tables but does not include UI to add a table summary or include the appropriate ARIA attributes on header cells in the output.

508/Accessibility Support Analysis

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MadCap Software: For Web and PDF Accessibility, Flare gives you control over what warnings to report for your 508/Accessibility compliance. You can save this log and double-click each error to open the topic and fix the problem.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe tools do not include advanced warnings or errors reports for accessibility compliance.

Eclipse Help Output

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MadCap Software: Flare offers native Eclipse Help output. Create an Eclipse Help Target with custom settings, batch build capabilities, command line integration, and all of the power and flexibility of other targets in Flare.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe tools do not have support for Eclipse output.

WebHelp Plus (Also Available for HTML5 Outputs)

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MadCap Software: This output type is identical to the regular WebHelp output in most ways. However, WebHelp Plus works on a Microsoft ® Web server running Microsoft ® Internet Information Services (IIS), ASP.NET, and Microsoft ® Indexing Service. You and your users can take advantage of some advanced features, including searching for non-XHTML content (PDF files, MS Word Documents, etc.), faster server-side search, and automatic run-time merging. This functionality is also available for HTML5 output.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: No support for advanced features without paying thousands of dollars extra for the RoboHelp® Server in addition to the Microsoft® server requirements.

Salesforce® Knowledge

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MadCap Software: Ability to publish directly to Salesforce ® Classic and Lightning Knowledge using the MadCap Connect for Salesforce ® . Functionality includes the following:

  • Choose the Rich Text Field used for published topic content.
  • Choose category mapping for articles at the topic level using their position in the Flare TOC.
  • Include summary in Salesforce ® articles using topic descriptions.
  • Manage all the files and assets published including cleaning up previously published files that are no longer part of a republish.
  • Multilingual output publishing that maintains the link between source and translated articles.
  • Full control of the URL Name assigned to published articles.
  • Update existing Salesforce ® articles regardless if they were previously published by Flare if they have matching URL Names.
  • Choose to store the publish log in a Shared Asset Library in Salesforce ® .
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe doesn’t offer integrated Salesforce publishing with the same functionality as MadCap.

Zendesk Help Center

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MadCap Software: Ability to publish directly to Zendesk Help Center using the MadCap Connect for Zendesk.

  • Map to categories, sections and also nested sections using the TOC.
  • Apply Zendesk labels to published articles.
  • Manage all the files and assets published including cleaning up previously published files that are no longer part of a republish.
  • Multilingual output publishing that maintains the link between source and translated articles.
  • Generate a Zendesk theme that includes styles and JavaScript for the published content.
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe does not provide a direct publishing mechanism to Zendesk with features matching MadCap’s solution.

ServiceNow® Knowledge

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MadCap Software: Ability to publish directly to ServiceNow ® Knowledge Base using the MadCap Connect for ServiceNow ® . Functionality includes the following:

  • Map to categories using the TOC.
  • Apply ServicesNow ® tags and keywords to published articles.
  • Manage all the files published including cleaning up previously published files that are no longer part of a republish.
  • Multilingual output publishing that maintains the link between source and translated articles.
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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Adobe lacks the features for direct publishing to ServiceNow.

Hosting and Site Management

  MadCap Flare FrameMaker®

Additional IT Resources and Hardware (Publishing and Hosting Servers)

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MadCap Software: MadCap Central provides all the resources needed to support building, hosting and publishing of your private and public content including build scheduling and site management of your projects and outputs. No additional IT resources nor hardware are necessary to support this workflow and ensure your content is accessible to your consumers.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Cloud support for full Adobe output requires RoboHelp ® Server. RoboHelp ® Server is not only expensive, but it requires you to obtain IT resources and hardware to install and convert the server internally before it can be used.

Create and Manage Builds on the Cloud

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MadCap Software: Outputs built from Flare or Central can be stored on Central to be viewed or downloaded at any time. This allows authors to compare results between different builds. The builds can be locked to be preserved or deleted at any time.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Outputs from Adobe tools can be published to RoboHelp ® Server. The outputs can then be managed from the server. However, there is no way to create and schedule builds directly from the server.

Custom Site Themes

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MadCap Software: MadCap Central offers the ability to customize the look of each page used by consumers of your site including user invite, login, profile and 404 pages. One theme can be used for all sites or each site can be configured with different themes.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: RoboHelp ® has no such support using its integration with RoboHelp® Server.

Host Mapped Domains

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MadCap Software: MadCap Central provides a default domain for all hosted output or linking your output with a custom host mapped domain.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: While outputs can be published to the web, there isn't an integrated solution for domain mapping as provided by MadCap Central.

License and Site Vanities

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MadCap Software: MadCap Central supports customizing the license and site vanity for our hosted outputs allowing you to select a meaningful URL that is easier to recognize for your consumers. This is also useful if you have multiple versions of an output and want to have a different URL for each version.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite: Doesn't offer an integrated solution for customizing license and site vanity URLs for hosted outputs.

This detailed functionality comparison has been prepared by MadCap Software. The views, opinions and feature comparisons expressed in this document are based solely on MadCap’s evaluation and understanding of the Adobe Technical Communications Suite®, reviews from customers and other publicly available information available at the time of preparing this document.

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