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LeaseTeam Uses the MadPak Technical Communications Suite for Agile Delivery of Software Documentation Platform, WebHelp and Integrated Application Help

New Case Study Examines How LeaseTeam Provides Help in Multiple Formats With Intuitive Graphics Created With MadCap Capture From a Single MadCap Flare Project and Ensures Quality with MadCap Analyzer
La Jolla, CA, USA — May 1, 2014 — MadCap Software, Inc., the leader in multi-channel content authoring and a showcase company for Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) Visual Studio and Microsoft XPS, today announced that it has published a new case study on LeaseTeam, Inc. An innovator in software and business solutions for the equipment finance and leasing industry, LeaseTeam is using the MadPak technical communications suite to deliver software documentation, WebHelp, and Help assets integrated within its software—all from one central project. The full LeaseTeam case study can be viewed at:
LeaseTeam serves more than 250 companies in the equipment finance and leasing industry throughout North America. For 25 years, the company has empowered these businesses with complete, configurable solutions for managing their transaction workflows. When LeaseTeam began an initiative to rewrite its software, the company also embarked on a program to modernize its supporting documentation and Help assets.
Today, LeaseTeam uses three products from the MadPak technical communications suite: MadCap Flare, MadCap Analyzer and MadCap Capture. Together, these products enable the company to provide intuitive documentation and Help content that keeps pace with the daily updates to the company’s software offerings. Among the key benefits LeaseTeam has realized:
- MadCap Flare’s topic-based authoring and single-source publishing eliminated redundancies in developing and delivering new software documentation, Web-based Help, and Help content integrated within the company’s different software versions.
- Conditional tags in MadCap Flare make it easy to generate content for new product builds accurately across different systems and minimize the total Flare project footprint.
- MadCap Analyzer helps to ensure that application hyperlinks are working correctly, as well as identify unused images that the LeaseTeam writers can remove.
- Seamless integration of MadCap Capture and MadCap Flare makes it easy to add Help graphics that provide an intuitive, visual way to assist users in learning LeaseTeam’s software.
Our primary focus is making sure our users get the most up-to-date software and supporting documentation and Help content for it. With the single-source and conditional tagging features in Flare, I know that I've got the right Help going for each software version; MadCap Analyzer lets me find things I can get rid of and gives me a gauge of growth; and the ability to seamlessly integrate screenshots with Capture makes it even better. It’s been a really exciting road ahead that we look forward to continuing to explore with MadCap Software.
Pat Frodyma | Vice President of Technical Writing, LeaseTeam
“Today, enterprises rely on LeaseTeam software to manage business-critical workflows for their equipment leasing and finance transactions, and the company has placed a priority on ensuring that customers have timely, best-in-class content about using its solutions correctly,” said Anthony Olivier, MadCap founder and CEO. “We are thrilled by the agility LeaseTeam has gained in creating and publishing high quality documentation and Help content featuring intuitive screenshots across different channels for different software versions using our MadCap Flare, MadCap Capture, and MadCap Analyzer products.”
About LeaseTeam
LeaseTeam, Inc. has been providing quality software and business solutions to companies in the equipment finance and leasing industry for 25 years. LeaseTeam is an industry leader providing exceptional software, support, training and strategic consulting services to more than 250 financial organizations throughout North America. For more information, call (800) 531-5086 or visit
About MadCap Software
MadCap Software is a trusted resource for thousands of companies around the globe for single-source, multi-channel authoring and publishing solutions designed to streamline the process of developing and delivering training content, learning and development programs, technical documentation, online Help, knowledge bases, and more. From authoring, publishing and translation, to cloud-based content management system, to contribution and review in the cloud, you can streamline content delivery and manage the entire content development lifecycle with MadCap Software. MadCap Software’s services include product training, consulting services, translation and localization, and an advanced developer certification program. Headquartered in San Diego, California, with offices in Austin, TX, MadCap Software is home to some of the most experienced software architects and product experts in the content development industry.
PR Contact:
Rebecca Hurst
Kinetic.PR for MadCap Software