MadCap Lingo Testimonials

Based on feedback from in-house translators, translation times were reduced from two to three weeks to about two days using MadCap Lingo. At the same time, the modular topics and snippets in MadCap Flare allow us to only send new or modified content for translation. In the first four years alone, this enabled us to reduce our localization costs by 68% for the In-Sight product line.
Kellie Freeman | Principal Technical Writer, Cognex Corporation
“Completing translations with MadCap Lingo is so much easier, especially with the translation memories that allow us to reuse previously translated terms.
Luciana Alvear Voigt
Knowledge Management Consultant | Senior Sistemas
“With MadCap Lingo’s translation management, we get visibility into which topics have already been translated. In many instances, half the project is already translated for us. Having this automated process has really improved our efficiency.
Sandra Garcia
Localization Manager | FireEye
“Now our translator can focus on localization and not recreating the document. The efficiencies we’ve gained have been as dramatic as moving from a typewriter to using Microsoft® Word&trade.
Daniel Ng
GPRO Technologies Berhad
“True to its promise, Lingo enabled translation while preserving all of our document structure and formatting, and my translator reported back that this is going to make her job much simpler.
Rowdy Bristol
Gemcom Software Australia Pty. Ltd
“The initial translation project was approximately 140,000 words. Because MadCap Lingo supports full translation memory, we will only need to translate the new updates, which may be fewer than 3,000 words.
Steve Gramolini
Instrumentation Laboratory
“Reusing content in Flare and only translating changed content identified by Lingo cuts our localization costs in half … Another important advantage of MadCap Lingo is that it automatically strips out the XML code, leaving just the strings to be translated. The translator can’t accidentally break the code.
Lynn M. Carrier
“Documentation is a significant way we can differentiate ourselves, and MadCap Lingo and Flare are enabling us to provide a consistent, high quality experience, regardless of language or format.
Daniel Ng
GPRO Technologies Berhad
“… I really see Flare as the shining light in documentation authoring. Adding MadCap Lingo, Contributor and Analyzer into that mix has given us a powerful suite of tools for bringing a superior documentation experience to our users.
Alex Johnson
Fitness First Group
“MadCap Lingo and Flare let us flawlessly run our translations–ensuring that whatever formatting we have applied will come out exactly the same way in all other languages.
Angela Richer
“MadCap Flare and MadCap Lingo are helping us streamline our output and integration of material to translate. Once all the pieces are in place, publishing can happen with a single click on a batch process.
Eric Muench
Lead Technical Writer | Digital Control Incorporated