MadCap Flare Testimonials
I evaluated MadCap Flare and found it was the most flexible platform using up-to-date modern web standards. The quality of published resources and the webinars and conferences from MadCap Software, and the fact that I enjoyed using Flare made it the obvious choice.
Tony Dzumaga | Technical Author, Apteco
“Flare 2021 r2 is an absolute game changer! Congratulations to the MadCap team for continuing to kick butt!
Shahrooz Kamali
Learning Content Development Leader | Plex Systems
“The addition of the new eLearning functionality in MadCap Flare is a game changer for us. We can now leverage Flare’s inherent single source capabilities to create presentations with assessments. In conjunction with MadCap Central, Flare now gives us the capability to produce instructor-led, web-based and virtual training using a single solution. The ability to do all training development in Flare without the need to copy content to PowerPoint will cut costs, and improve the quality and consistency of our training products.
Stephen J. Sauriol CPLP
Technical Communications Manager | Saab, Inc.
“I’ve wished for more Flare-like functionality in my eLearning authoring solution since I started using Flare about 2 years ago. With the ability to reuse existing content not to mention applying a global style sheet to all of it - finally, an option to deliver congruent online help and eLearning content without reinventing the wheel – it’s a HUGE deal!
Lesley Ruby
Portfolio Content Manager | Implementations and Professional Services
“These new capabilities allow Cellebrite to provide cutting-edge content management and scalability well beyond our dreams and expectations. Cellebrite will be able to lower expenses and costs necessary to support materials that right now require multiple hardware, software, and human capital skills. Being able to use Madcap for SCORM/XAPI will afford us the ability to leverage single-sourced content in ways that not only streamline internal operations but also reduce our go-to-market timelines. So incredible!
Christina “Christy” Freire, MS AE & HRD
Global Program Manager of Curriculum | Cellebrite
“MadCap Software's support for the learning and development space provides a lot of value to us. The ease of adding quizzes and knowledge checks directly into our online sites, and the ability to export portions of our portal into actual SCORM courses, will help us take our content reuse efforts to a new level. We can already identify multiple ways we'll leverage it.
Victoria Clarke
Instructional Designer | Oil and Gas Industry
“MadCap Flare's support for learning and development teams opens up so many more possibilities for collaboration between our Learning Center, Digital Adoption Platform, and Learning Experience Design teams. We cannot wait to use the new features.
Homer Christensen
Flare Designer and Developer | Nestlé Information Technology Learning Center
“MadCap Flare 2021 r2 has many features our team cannot wait to use. The quizzing and scoring functionality will meet what we'd need to build solid baseline training content in Flare while maximizing reuse in our existing documentation. It's unquestionably a win-win for our training and documentation teams.
Jenni Christensen
Training and Technical Documentation Manager | PLEXSYS Interface Products
“The time-saving capabilities of content reuse, combined with the ability to create SCORM and xAPI-compliant content opens up so many possibilities for anyone creating eLearning and training content.
Andrea Maliska
Founder | Rebel Learn LLC
“For almost twenty years, technical communicators have had access to powerful content reuse, single-source authoring, and multi-channel publishing features with MadCap Flare. Now the training and eLearning community has access to those features in Flare as well, and new features designed specifically for them. This new release of Flare is a game changer for training and eLearning.
Neil Perlin
President | Hyper/Word Services
“This is what I mean about Flare’s easy extensibility. You can use standard templates right out of the box or modified, and you can use standard CSS or modify with compliant techniques that work in any browser. What I enjoy is the learning that Flare and contributors like Jay (one of many, with easily accessible posts) encourage. This is my 30th year developing Help and I still find cool new stuff that I can actually make happen with this tool.
Jack DeLand
“MadCap Flare is a technical writer’s dream. It has every feature you could possibly imagine.
Stuart Escobar
Sr. Technical Writer | Heartflow
“With Flare’s multi-language support, we no longer had to purchase language-specific operating systems or licenses...This really saved on costs and made it much easier for our writers and in-house translators.
Kellie Freeman
Principal Technical Writer | Cognex Corporation
“Built-in support for definition lists will be great for us when creating button/description lists. Now we can create a class of definition lists to make them look amazing, more semantically rich, and be more accessible. It's a big win for us and our customers.
Paul Pehrson
Sr. Information Developer | Venafi
“MadCap Flare is so critical to us in making sure all of our documentation is organized. We have hundreds of small projects, like tickets or articles for the platform, plus hundreds of topics for the Academy. These would be unmanageable if it wasn't for Flare.
Olga Gomonova
Head of Client Enablement | Unqork, Inc.
“Leveraging MadCap Flare's multiple outputs, we were able to take our PDFs and publish them in a modern, online format with very little overhead.
Aini Bhatti
Technical Writer | Avigilon, a Motorola Solutions Company
“Because our wiki solution could not provide the capabilities we wanted,we tested 25 tools over the course of four months to identify one that could. Through our evaluation we determined that Flare would be the right tool for us and for the whole company.
Nicolas Philippe
Technical Communicator | Mirakl
“Flare was the secret weapon in our crusade, because the only way to achieve the results we needed was with this fantastic single-sourcing resource.
Luciana Alvear Voigt
Knowledge Management Consultant | Senior Sistemas
“We love the micro content feature in MadCap Flare, and we have created hundreds of specialized micro content pieces in our Learning Center.
Casey Schroeder
Lead Content Strategist | 84.51°
“Since producing our Unified Help with Flare, we’ve gotten feedback from top management on the service team that hiring and training new employees on our products is so much faster and easier than before.
Morton Müller
Documentation and Localization Manager | Zylinc
“MadCap Flare is like a one-stop shop that gives us the ability to easily and quickly publish and customize content. With Flare, we have a solution we can grow with.
Rachel Kotraba
Senior Technical Writer | Cloudistics
“The beauty of MadCap Flare is that in terms of the set-up, software, and processes, it has us totally covered. We wouldn’t have been able to keep in step with the company’s move to agile development or the cloud without it.
Kai Weber
Lead Technical Writer | SimCorp
“Having a single publishing process for our Online Help and Learning Pathways with MadCap Flare has allowed us to reduce overhead for user management and technical support, significantly reducing our costs.

Zaneta Nackovska
Training Advisor | Fred IT Group
“I just installed Flare 2018 and I am loving it! MadCap Central is a game changer.
Suroor Aldhalemi
Client Success Consultant | Rubicon International
“I love MadCap Flare’s usability. Designing a clean and modern-looking help system is easy using the skins available for the HTML5 output. We are able to design something specifically branded to our company that looks professional with minimal time spent designing.
John M.
G2 Crowd Review
“During my evaluation, I was able to convert a Robohelp project and produce working WebHelp documentation without reading any manuals or attending any training. The end product was visually appealing and the resulting markup was clean. It even offered the opportunity to convert inline formatting to css. Flare has a intuitive and productive interface.
Tim OBrien
“I love, love, love Flare’s indexing functionality.Whoever designed and implemented it must have looked at everything good in competing products and then figured out ways to make indexing even easier and better. Frame, RoboHelp, eat your heart out…
Marsha Finley
Pearson Math Media
“I released a Knowledge Base for our department today. I used Flare to generate WebHelp output and enabled and used every option that Flare has to offer. A lot of document automation was done using a Master Page. I used a Master Page for the first time and it really worked out well. My coworkers are really excited about this new tool and Flare gave all the tools to make it possible. Breadcrumb Navigation, variables, proxies, a-links, index, full-text search - short, everything useful was added. Compared to any other OLH or similar projects that I finished so far, this one is the best thanks to MadCap’s Flare!
David Krings
Research Foundation of SUNY
“I just started using Flare in the last couple of days… it is such a benefit to be working with an application possessing a modern UI that is similar to what we are accustomed to in development tools. For me, supporting Help development has always been an add-on task that had to be done, but I can see how Flare is going to triple the productivity of the limited time I do have for help development. Thanks for an ’already’ obviously great product!
Donald Culp
Battelle, Wright-Patterson AFB
“We were rewriting all of our software in a cutting-edge environment with Visual Studio 2005 and using the Agile Development Model, so we wanted a cutting-edge Help authoring solution to provide our users with the best help possible, and that’s Flare. Based on XML and using the latest technology, Flare has all the earmarks of being the rising star among contenders. We love that we can modify any topic, and with one button-click build new versions of HTML, print, and WebHelp. We also like Flare’s use of cascading style sheets; formatting issues can be addressed in one location, and it flows through all of our projects and all of their builds.
Steve Salter
“We are providing retailers with state-of-the-art solutions for marketing and selling on some of the world’s most prestigious ecommerce channels, so it’s important for our online Help and print documents to have a modern look that is in keeping with what they see on their websites. MadCap Flare provides the attractive, up-to-date image we’re looking for, and it is very easy to color-code our Help content in line with our branding: orange for Merchant and red for SearchAdvisor. Flare is also the most intuitive product we evaluated, and the integration with Adobe® FrameMaker® is very clean. Flare has the right functionality, and equally important, MadCap has some of the most knowledgeable experts in the industry. With MadCap’s support, we made our deadline, and the ChannelAdvisor developers were so excited by Flare’s cool, colorful context-sensitive Help that they immediately started suggesting new projects.
Rebecca McMurry
“We are at the forefront of enabling businesses to grow and capitalize on market opportunity through enterprise roadmapping, and we need user documentation that reflects the same level of innovation. As a RoboHelp customer for many years, with MadCap Flare 2.5, we now have an application based on the latest XML technology that goes far beyond the capabilities of traditional HATs. Equally important, Flare was created by developers at MadCap who had originally designed RoboHelp. We know we have a team that understands our documentation needs and is committed to supporting us today and in the future.
Richard Spooner
Alignent Software
“I would like to thank MadCap for finally developing the product that seems to address all my online Help needs. MadCap has made great promises, and it has delivered on them with a robust, flexible tool that is a pleasure to work with and easy to manipulate. Flare solved all of my previous aggravations in other Help systems. I have installed Flare at clients that have shared my excitement and enthusiasm about the product.
Mary McGreal
Technical Communications and Training Consultant | East Bay Chapter of STC
“Adobe® FrameMaker® is one of the most widely adopted publishing tools among our corporate customers. Increasingly, they are looking to leverage conditional text, variables, reusable topics, and structured XML-tagged source content into customer-facing, dynamic delivery on the Web or into their corporate intranets. Not only does Flare provide the best integration with FrameMaker® among tools available today, it also produces fantastic, Flash-based context-sensitive Help that has wowed my clients.
Ann-Marie Grissino
Keypoint Consultants and senior member of STC
“Flare is at the forefront in delivering solutions for today’s documentation and training needs through its use of native XML, the emerging standard for software, and single-source publishing to multiple outputs–from HTML to Adobe® FrameMaker® or Microsoft® Word. These features, along with support for Microsoft’s latest technologies (Vista, Office 2007, XPS, and DOCX) were key factors in my decision to replace Adobe RoboHelp with Flare.
Edward VanArsdall
Founder | VanArsdall InfoDesign
“One emerging trend for Help systems is the ability to provide real-time, on-demand Help, tailored to subsets of users, or even individual users, when they ask for assistance. Today, the one application that I know of that can do this is MadCap Flare, which can compile a Help project at the command line and create an almost unlimited number of custom outputs. With this combination of features and its use of XHTML, Flare today is the product best designed to support this new approach to Help authoring.
Neil Perlin
Hyper/Word Services
“Our customers have come to rely on us for timely, superior translation and localization services, capitalizing on proven methodologies and state-of-the-art technology. MadCap Flare is based on XML, the emerging standard for content, and provides full Unicode for translation into both single- and double-byte languages. When our evaluation showed how much more effectively Flare would let us support the demands of our many clients whose businesses extend across Europe, North America and Asia, switching from RoboHelp to Flare was the obvious choice.
Jean-Baptiste Daian
“The increase in multi-channel publishing driven by greater adoption of the Web means we need best-in-class authoring software designed to deliver training and Help content consistently across the Internet, intranets, CD-ROMs, and a range of computer systems. We are also thinking about Web 2.0 and looking down the road for software that can support us in the future. For us, that software is MadCap Flare.
Debbie Richards
ANIMATRIX Computer Arts
“As a leader in the customer relationship management space for associations, the ability to listen and respond to our customers’ needs is a top priority. We’ve found different solutions for tracking readers’ use of our CRM for Members documentation, but only the MadCap Feedback Service has the Web 2.0 functionality that allows us to collect ’real-time’ feedback from our customers. Using the Feedback Service, I’ve taken several valuable reader comments and made them available to other customers. More importantly, by viewing readers’ input, I’ve been able to respond quickly to their needs and establish a closer, one-to-one connection. I now look forward to implementing the Feedback Server onsite in order to integrate it with our CRM system.
Chad Ohman
Protech Associates, Inc.
“Just for the record, I’m not someone who normally writes to companies to give them unsolicited feedback, but I thought you might want to know that I’m very impressed with MadCap Flare. After a year of struggling with RoboHelp® for FrameMaker® and a year before that (at a different company) trying to figure out Quadralay WebWorks, it’s a welcome relief to have a product that actually has the features and functions I want in an easy to use interface.
Brian Naughton
Stratify, Inc.
“DITA is very likely to become the next big thing in content authoring. That is why it’s important to be familiar with standards-compliant XML software like Flare, which shares core principles in structured authoring with DITA… By understanding how to develop content in Flare, technical communications professionals can significantly reduce the learning curve of DITA. And because Flare is future-proof, authors can be assured that they will always be able to move forward seamlessly with the introduction of new technologies and architectures such as DITA.
Tony Self
Swinburne University
“By migrating from a two-product solution to Flare, which was specifically designed to serve as a Help authoring tool, we immediately recognized significant efficiencies that have led to a two-fold gain in productivity. Citect’s decision to move to Flare was the result of an in-depth review of more than half a dozen products. We completed a very thorough evaluation that compared 30 different Help content requirements. In the end, Flare addressed more of those requirements than any other product we reviewed. It also has a modern, forward-looking architecture, which stands out from the older designs of other solutions whose older architectures have been updated for today’s Web-based Help demands.
David Boocock
“I had just begun testing online Help tools for my place of work... Then I downloaded Flare 4 and what can I say.... I love V4 and was able to work with a demo to produce a great sample for consideration within only a few hours and very little help. ...for the needs of my place of work, Flare 4 is great. And the special introductory price makes it a tool we can afford to invest in.
Deborah E-Shapiro Hemstreet
RCM Technologies
“I am totally sold on Flare! I’ve been a tech writer for 27 years, and my chief tools have been Word for print documents and RoboHelp HTML for Help systems. I am blown away by Flare. Finally there is a toolset that not only supports my day-to-day workflow, but it actually enhances it, and in ways I hadn’t even thought of. And I’m convinced that X-Edit Review and X-Edit Contribute [which is now MadCap Contributor] will support my clients’ SMEs as we collaborate on their doc projects. Bottom line for me: There are no more comparisons to be made. Flare leaves the others in the dust.
Nita Beck
Nita Beck Communications
“I just downloaded and started exploring the new features. I have to say, wow. Wow! I’m very impressed with PageLayouts (awesome, awesome, awesome!), resizing in XML editor, IntelliSense (Wow!), Global project linking (hello CMS!), inserting snippets by drag/drop (about time ?), and love the Downloads links-key features guide, What’s New guide, etc. (very, very useful content – way to go Tech Writers!).
Jim Maciejewski
Sunbelt Software
“With Flare’s native XML architecture, we could easily migrate the content to another application, but its powerful functionality and ease of use reminds us why we want to stay with Flare every time we use it.
Harold Gross
Caradigm, a Microsoft | GE Healthcare Company
“Originally coming from a structured SGML/Framemaker perspective, Flare impresses me way beyond how any other online authoring tool ever has. It’s great to have multiple therefore versatile choices for editing, for example; the onboard WYSIWYG coupled with the internal text editor, or even TextPad if I so choose. The technical support is also stellar; great work, all around!
Daniel Green
Fox Racing Shox
“The more I use Flare, the more I like it. With snippets, conditions, and proper topic chunking, I’m using and reusing my content in ways I never thought were possible.
Bonni Graham
Manual Labour Inc.
“I’m thrilled with Flare. It’s refreshing to have a product that works as advertised.
Shannon Moore
Quest Software
“Thank God for the developers at MadCap for providing the most agile XML-based authoring tool on the planet.
Jim Corbin
“The single-sourcing in Flare is tremendously advantageous for quickly delivering the content our customers need. We’ve taken a huge leap with Flare, and there’s still a lot more potential to tap.
Harold Gross
Caradigm, a Microsoft | GE Healthcare Company
“Flare has made me so much more productive, and is going to give my group an ongoing cost savings since we will no longer have to purchase upgrades for FrameMaker®. Flare rocks!
Shannon Moore
Quest Software
“Flare 5 is a great enhancement to the Flare product line... If you are in the market for a help authoring tool or if you are using DITA, check out Flare V5; it will knock your socks off.
Paul Pehrson
DocGuy Training
“If you’re looking for a path to browser-based help for your DITA content, you should consider the new version of Flare. Without a lot of effort, we were able to create WebHelp from imported DITA content. Flare handled DITA constructs (such as conrefs and relationship tables) without any problems in our testing.
Sarah O’Keefe
Scriptorium Publishing
“MadCap Flare is giving us state-of-the-art capabilities while offering the lowest cost of ownership of any authoring software we’ve seen on the market
Harold Gross
Caradigm, a Microsoft | GE Healthcare Company
“I’m so excited about using Relationship Tables! This is a fantastic enhancement even for us non-DITA people. We appreciate all you do for us. I’m a completely devoted fan. :-)
Kelly Burch
Convergys Corporation
“I have used both, RoboHelp® for about 10 years and Flare since 1.0 - moving to Flare and creating printed documents was like moving from the stone age to the future. In just about every respect it was easier and better.
Robin Kiszka-Kanowitz
Professional Technical Communicator
“MadCap’s software is so tightly integrated…efficiencies we’ve gained have been as dramatic as moving from a typewriter to using Microsoft® Word.
Daniel Ng
GPRO Technologies Berhad
“You’ve saved another bunch of tech writers from the hell known as RoboHelp®!
John Lujan
International Game Technology (IGT)
“I use Flare for seven different projects and find it to be an excellent tool that has made my job far easier from day one.
Brian Naughton
Stratify, Inc
“This feature takes what was a separate process requiring different tools and skills and starts to make it just one more Flare output. I expect that more developers will try outputting to mobile devices now that it’s easier and more convenient to do so with Flare.
Neil Perlin
Hyper/Word Services
“The mobile target is styled like an iPhone app, and is a great way for me to deliver content to our customers who are on the go, but who need access to our Help content
Paul Pehrson
Doc Guy Training
“Single-sourcing has been my elusive holy grail for ten years. I tried FrameMaker® with WebWorks, I tried Robohelp® with Word, and it wasn’t until Flare’s output to print that I finally got good results without a lot of hassle.
Chris Sullivan
“Flare’s new features and user interface improvements have been helping me work smarter, faster, and with better results. I’m especially pleased to see File Tags and the new WebHelp Mobile target.
Nita Beck
Nita Beck Communications
“Flare mobile output is platform-independent, so we didn’t have to customize anything for the GPS device. It worked immediately.
Heather Winch
Thinking Windows
“Flare has truly made a big difference to our documentation production. The quality has jumped dramatically.
Stephen Tearle
Thinking Windows
“The more I work with Flare the more I am impressed with what it can do. The MadCap Software Road Show and MadCamp [4-day training seminar] were definitely the turning points for me and my colleagues. I know it was a lot of work for Mike Hamilton and Co., but the dividends it pays the students are tremendous.
Don Rasky
Mitchell International, Inc.
“You guys are the best. I’d be lost without Flare. I can’t even imagine having to go back to RoboHelp®.
Dan Austin
Austin Technical Services
“I can’t say enough about how game changing Flare has been for us. We now have powerful desktop software that lets us quickly and easily customize content to support the different needs of our users.
Tara Coulson
Fellowship Technologies
“Flare is already the best information development tool out there, and now it’s the leader of the pack in accessibility.
Eddie VanArsdall
VanArsdall InfoDesign
“I really love the interface improvements in Flare 7. It just keeps getting better and better. I cringe at the thought of having to use a different authoring tool!
Diana Beebe
Convergys Corp.
“The new table functionality is incredible. I absolutely love the new freedom Flare 7 gives me to change, merge, separate, and convert tables! Finally, I can convert legacy tables to text where I need to. With a recent style guide change at work, converting text notes into tables is so much easier.
Diana Beebe
Convergys Corp.
“With change tracking and enhanced table functionality among its many new features, we see Flare 7 as further vindication of our decision to migrate from Adobe® FrameMaker®.
Dr. Adrian Morse
Picis, Inc.
“I like the open door policy at MadCap. I have a feeling that you guys are willing to bend over backwards to cater to us tech writers. Flare 7 is one step closer to being the ultimate tech writer tool.
Mette Nyberg
“Flare V7 is easily the most versatile and capable authoring tool that I’ve used. MadCap clearly listens to their customers, and their support is second to none.
David Lee
Sage (UK) Ltd.
“When we decided to create online documentation, we had a very good idea about what we wanted from an authoring tool, and Flare was the only contender. Then we found additional tools that would help us with MadCap Lingo, Contributor and Analyzer.
Alex Johnson
Fitness First Group
“I really see Flare as the shining light in documentation authoring. Adding MadCap Lingo, Contributor and Analyzer into that mix has given us a powerful suite of tools for bringing a superior documentation experience to our users.
Alex Johnson
Fitness First Group
“Thought I’d let you know, whilst the feeling lasts and indeed peaks on mornings like this morning, I’m still in love with Flare. Brilliant.
Matt O.
Information Architect
“I love how flexible and sophisticated Flare’s print output has become with features like the ability to set a separator between an index entry and its page number and the ability to insert landscape pages in the middle of portrait pages.
Lorraine Kupka
“Flare 7 is fabulous! Our transition from FrameMaker to Flare has improved our productivity and quality more than I can measure. My team loves Flare!
Kelly Shortt
“I have been a Technical Writer for over 20 years now, and Flare is the best Help Authoring Tool that I have used.
Greg Birkenbeuel
“I can best summarize by saying that I believe Flare is the more modern, forward-looking tool. I say this as a former user of FrameMaker® and a long-time admirer of the product. I simply think that Frame is past its prime. Regardless, I recommend that you download a trial of both tools and decide for yourself.
Eddie VanArsdall
Independent Consultant
“When we got to look at the new features that are included in Flare 8 – mainly the HTML5 output that includes full topic URLs and frameless output, and the enhanced searching interface and functionality – we were sold and immediately renewed our maintenance plans. These new features and enhancements are going to be of great value to our customers and our Support team.
Kadan Bradley
Adaptive Computing
“Knowing that Contributor will allow annotations for free is outstandingly excellent. MadCap Software truly does listen to its customer base.
Don Rasky
Mitchell International, Inc.
“Flare V8 includes enhancements that support the way I work–like project sub-folders to help me keep work organized and automatic updating of renamed condition tags and variables throughout a project. This means I can design project conventions as my project grows, instead of having to foresee upfront what my future project needs will be. I love that kind of flexibility!
Lorraine Kupka
“We love being MadCap Software customers. You continually restore our faith in the software tools industry. Great tools at a great price from a software company that genuinely cares about its customers never grows old.
Don Rasky
Mitchell International, Inc.
“Flare’s new ribbon interface made me a convert. I was surprised that I could find the options I need faster than with pull-down menus. But because Flare’s interface is so customizable, those writers who prefer toolbars and menus can revert to that interface. Nice!
Lorraine Kupka
“HTML5 and CSS3 support arriving are definite hits. Our UX team will likely be able to help us visually in ways that simply were not possible in earlier versions of WebHelp.
Don Rasky
Mitchell International, Inc.
“Thanks, MadCap, for offering a tool in Flare 8 with which my business can create even better user assistance for my clients than before – and that I’ll enjoy using even more than I do already. Where to start? The new ePUB and HTML5 targets, the many PDF enhancements, rounded corners for borders, search engine optimization, renaming variables and conditions… I also appreciate the improvements to Flare’s UI: easier-to-find features, easier-to-read screen fonts!
Nita Beck
Nita Beck Communications
“A while ago I had a saga much like yours with the Tech Comm Suite. Couldn’t install it, was bounced back and forth between Tech Support and Customer Service. Lost count of the number of uninstalls and re-installs they had me do. After a few weeks of trying to install it and many lost hours of work, I returned the Tech Comm Suite and bought 2 of the products separately. That seems to have worked. I was able to install both. But I’ve since switched to Flare because I had heard that their customer service was better. It is. It’s been worth the switch!
Lorraine Kupka
“With version 8, you are able to create stellar output in a variety of formats (including ePub, which I didn’t mention above). Flare 8 makes your product look more professional, and makes it easier for you to get that work done quickly and efficiently.
Paul Pehrson
“Pass on to Management that the work I’ve been doing for our help website (HTML5) is going over with customers SO well that they have streamlined the personnel answering calls Our help Web site has become an invaluable tool. We’ve added Google analytics, breadcrumbs, and online chat I talked to the CEO this morning and he couldn’t be happier. So, thanks for all the fixes and updates you’ve made to make this one kick-ass writing tool. I absolutely love it!
Kathi Hennebry
“Just installed Flare 8. It looks beautiful. Have to get used the ribbon, but I already like it. I have a feeling it’s going to expand my use of certain features.
Lori Berhon
“Flare 8’s ability to now also deliver in HTML5, ePub, and enhanced Mobile outputs extends the everything from one product capability at a time when many of my customers are actively looking for new ways to deliver information to their users.
Riley VanDyke
“I’m a very new Flare user and recently attended the MadCap Roadshow 2012 in Anaheim. I was expecting a traditional sales demo, and maybe even a little basic training -- but what I received was SO much more. It was fabulous! Mike Hamilton, VP and Product Evangelist, is a great guy and a real pro. It was also a pleasure meeting Neal Pozer, Sales Engineer and Resident Genius. The Roadshow ended up treating me to a perfect mix of general Tech Comm industry knowledge, in-depth Flare usage and training, and even a great look at the brand new Flare v8 in action (which performed flawlessly, I might add). All attendees were allowed ask any questions that came to mind, and all were answered. It was also a great opportunity to meet other industry peers and make new contacts. The Roadshow was a pleasant surprise and really worth the time, not to mention the price being far below reasonable. I can’t recommend the Roadshow enough - and not only for perspective users, but for users both new and existing. It’s an event not to be missed and I’ll be attending next year for sure.
John Werfelmann
Wescom Credit Union
“Flare is off the charts, so much better than any other writing tool I’ve used. Keep at it! I believe it’s the best on the market.
Kathi Hennebry
“Flare is much easier to use, more intuitive and more powerful (and it seems more reliable and flexible) than any of the tools I have used so far, and I’ve used quite a lot.
Donagh Brennan
“MadCap Flare is a robust and stable authoring tool. As an independent consultant, I have introduced Flare to several clients and they have all been impressed, often times purchasing Flare for themselves. Its wide range of capabilities make it a complex product but I have never once been unable to find an answer to a question in the online Help and PDF documentation that supports the software; a sure sign of the importance that MadCap Software places on its customer base.
Roger Tunsley
Casterbridge Business Communications
“I’m busy writing a user requirement specification document, and Flare is making the task smooth, easy and fun.
Marco Spinello
Technical Writer
“I highly recommend MadCap Flare. The staff that created RoboHelp created MadCap Flare. They are a focused, technical writer specific group. They have excellent customer service and their fees are much less than some of the alternatives. From basic content management and generation to translation management, they have it covered. I have converted RoboHelp content to MadCap Flare. It is so much easier than any other software app that I’ve used.
Katie Roberts
Technical Writer/Editor
“I must say that I am very impressed with the MadCap package. I don’t only mean the software, I mean also the tutorials, the documentation, the forums, customer support and customer care...I have been using Flare for only three months and already all of our manuals are single-sourced and published in Flare. This is an incredible achievement in such a short time.
Gila Zadok, Documentation Manager
Intucell Systems
“Having used Flare for several years, I think it is an excellent middle way between traditional page/chapter/book tools such as FrameMaker, and very expensive full-blown DITA-based content management systems. I think it has the best of both worlds, for a relatively low cost, and many organizations would greatly benefit from it. The publishing targets feature alone is worth the price - it’s that powerful.
Andrew Brooke, President
Brooke Communications Ltd.
“In roughly 20 years of working in the Technical Communications field, I personally have never dealt with a better software company. Your company models so many best practices, I can’t and don’t want to imagine what the discipline and the content authoring tools space would be like without your company in it. Nearly every day I work in the MadPak Suite, I find inspiration to help make things better for those I serve.
Don Rasky
Mitchell International, Inc.
“Telling the difference between things created in Flare as a PDF and FrameMaker as a PDF will be hard to do. If I were setting up a shop today, I wouldn’t look much further than Flare. I think it is hands-down the best all around tool for doing one-stop writing and publishing.
Wayne Brisette
Technical Writer
“I have worked with a number of tools in the past 28.5 years. Now, I am using Flare and it’s like driving a speed boat instead of riding a barge, in terms of content-to-multiple-outputs. I suppose that every tool has its pros and cons, and perhaps the big companies need a more structured solution (that chugs along). Flare gives me speed and flexibility.
Mark Metcalfe
“I’ve used the latest RoboHelp and Flare 7 (but not Flare 8). Flare takes a little getting used to if you’re used to RH, but I prefer it. Also, Flare is a bit more versatile in terms of output to Word format for creation of PDFs. In this regard, I think that Flare is getting closer to a true ’single source’ solution, since you can create a single set of content, conditionalize all of the text and images, and then output the content to the selected target. I found that Flare was able to output content to Word using our existing training template, and required minimal tinkering to make a good-looking PDF output. RoboHelp was not able to do this with any degree of success, despite Adobe’s claims to the contrary.
Don Harman
Communications Analyst
“I give Flare two enthusiastic thumbs up for breadth of features, ROI, excellent support staff, and for being amazingly in-tune with the tech writing industry, proven by the kinds of feature enhancements they deliver. And their own Flare Help system/content model says it all to me. I almost always find what I’m looking for, and when I don’t, their forums and support staff are top notch. The support staff doesn’t stop until they fix the issues!
Derek Warren
Principal Information Developer
“Thanks to you and your team for implementing our enhancement request. It is great to see MadCap Software work on actual user problems and coming out with a solution. You have absolutely no idea how this is going to help Ixia migrate one of our tough user documentation sets from FrameMaker into Flare!
Sachin Shimoga
Ixia Technologies
“I am pleased that our company is converting over to Flare. It has been very unpleasant working in RoboHelp® over the past year. I’m so relieved that it’s only going to be a bit longer and I can hopefully say goodbye to RH® for the last time!
Jan Jackson
“My company, Egenera, just switched to Madcap Flare, and I have to say, MadCap Software’s technical support is outstanding. I’m a new user, and had 3 issues that were all resolved within 24 hours! I’ve never had better tech support, either personally or professionally.
Bill Balint
“After converting our first project to Flare, we experienced a five-fold reduction in the total time required to generate output for a product with three deliverables in three different formats in 14 languages totaling 126 individual target files –going down from roughly 25 hours to about 5 hours
Jason Micallef
GFI Software
“I have almost twenty years of experience in technical writing. I’ve used RoboHelp® HTML, Author-IT®, and every other publishing and content management software under the sun. My advice, go with MadCap Software. It is the only software that I know of that is focused on the technical writer and their needs. If I had a choice on any future projects, I would only choose MadCap Flare. I am not affiliated in any way with this company. I’ve just used their product for a number of years and it keeps getting better all the time. They have the tech writer’s back.
Katie Roberts
“As long as I am a Technical Writer, Flare is always going to be my preferred option.
Lopamudra Mishra
IRIS Business Services Ltd
“I have been a technical writer for twenty-six years and was a technical editor for seven years before that. The MadCap technical writing team does great work. I have worked with the Flare product for about seven years and love it, but I have no end of praise for the tech writers because theirs is among the best product documentation I have ever seen. When MadCap talks about its excellent tech support, they should always mention documentation.
Dean Kaflowitz
Technical Writing Consultant
“I’ve been using Flare for 2+ years, after switching from RoboHelp®, which I used for many, many years. And I totally agree with Riley’s comments on product comparison, the awfully disappointing releases of RH after Adobe® purchased it, and his VERY polite comparison of dealing with Adobe® vs MadCap. MadCap sales, support, and training are all excellent. I believe that having a working knowledge of MadCap Flare would definitely help you in your job search. I attended MadCap’s online training for new/intermediate users after purchasing the product, and it was very helpful.
Kathleen (KC) Cabral
“We moved from FrameMaker® to Author-it®, but were not very happy with the way Author-it® locks your files in the system in its own code-propriety format. We wanted something (file format) that is more transparent and easy to use. We then moved to MadCap Flare, and we are very glad that we took this decision. For few of our products that have 30,000+ files, our build times have come down from a staggering 16-24 hour in AIT to a meager 20-30 minutes. Flare is the simplest and the best thing in market now, according to my experience.
Sachin Shimoga
Ixia Technologies
“I have delivered the first version of my online Help project with Flare in only 11 weeks, migrating content from 1500 pages of ’traditional’ documentation. This was my first experience with Flare. There is a very high level of quality customer support and resources (the forum, videos, Help, user manuals). In my honest opinion, Flare (and all of the MadPak Suite) is very interesting.
Alessandro Stazi
“Flare really is one of the best tools for producing documentation for print and electronic publishing (InDesign® is a close second, leaving FrameMaker® and Word far behind).
Hagay Vider
High Security Labs
“We are using MadCap Flare for most of our customers projects. Some are still working/requesting Word or FrameMaker, but there is hope to migrate them to a real technical writing XML tool.
André Vanderschueren
Technical Writer | ASTeC
“I’m so excited to meet with my entire team and discuss the new features that will apply to us! Flare just keeps getting better and better! Thank you from the writers at Ceridian!
Dianne Paul
“I love MadCap Flare. We produce online and PDF documentation from one TOC. In addition, we produce multiple versions of a guide from one project. More than one writer can work in the same project simultaneously. I could go on and on about how much I love it. Once you learn how to use MadCap Flare, other publishing documentation software seems antiquated. The tool is powerful. I highly recommend the software and the support package.
Kathryn Goodman
ARGO Data Resource Corporation
“Like many grizzled Help veterans, I mourned the passing of the original RoboHelp® into corporate obscurity so long ago. I had practiced the Zen of Help with that product. And where would all those creative minds go? Surprise – they’re here! And that great flow of energy is here, too. One of the things that makes Flare so enticing is the attention to detail shown in the product. The architecture is superb for 21st-century authoring, but even the little things in the interface are carried through completely. It’s surprising how many times I’ve found just the right feature in just the right place, already thought out. When I was first learning the product, it was uncanny how the Help seemed to‘know’ just what I was looking for. Flare is crafted software.
Jack DeLand
Writer/Editor and ScrumMaster
“Want the best? MadCap Flare to create or manage content, online help or documentation of any kind. #techwriter #flare @MadCapSoftware
Darci Kingry (via Twitter @bumbledoodles)
Technical Writer
“I’ve become a complete cheerleader for Flare, and can’t wait to bring our documentation to the next level with MadCap Software.
Pat D’Ambrosio
Documentation Lead | BA Insight
“Be careful, once you have moved from FrameMaker® to Flare (or another XML topic-based tool), you won’t ever want to open a FrameMaker® project ever again.
André Vanderschueren
Technical Writer | ASTeC
“MadCap Flare! I love it! I also love the fact that MadCap Software take my comments on board to make the product better each time.
Heather Firth
Technical Author |
“FrameMaker® seems like a dinosaur – I can’t believe people are still using it :)
Joy Birck
Technical Publications Manager | Safe Software
“I searched for a substitute for RoboHelp®, found Flare, and it was all fun and games from there!
William Kelly
Sr. Technical Writer | Satake USA, Inc
“Flare continually makes me look like a hero by allowing me to manage a large volume of content and reorganize output on-the-fly. I know of no other tool that can do that so well. Thanks again for creating an outstanding product.
Brad Solomon
Senior Technical Writer | Apptio, Inc.
“We imported thousands of pages to Flare from FrameMaker®, and now I can’t imagine using anything else.
Joy Birck
Technical Publications Manager | Safe Software
“Migrating from FrameMaker® to Flare made more sense to me than I expected. Flare simply makes it so much easier to control content, it’s more versatile, it’s more open to the outside world (XML), and if all goes wrong I can use Notepad. It caught the attention from the company developers (that’s a first in 30+ years) and the MadCap guys win hands down on service and support (that’s easy since the Adobe support is close to nill on FrameMaker®).
Thomas Bro-Rasmussen
Localization Manager | GN Otometrics
“I made the switch from FrameMaker® to Flare a few years ago. I found Flare easy to pick up and am still impressed by how flexible it is. I like it a lot. As a result of using Flare, I’ve learned some CSS and HTML5 and developed web design skills, so am now more knowledgeable and employable. HTML5 and web-based help is the future…more and more people are using tablets and mobile technology.
Craig Wright
Technical Communicator | Straygoat Writing Services, Ltd.
“I love Flare. As one reviewer said, ‘it’s a real force multiplier.’ It allows the proficient user to match the productivity of a small private-sector team or a very large government-sector one.
Brian Engle
Technical Writer/Content Publisher
“I’ve used Flare for three or four years now. I wouldn’t call it extremely complicated and sophisticated. It does require some effort to learn but I find it generally intuitive with the occasional gotcha. But given how awful I think MS Word is, and how taxing it is to stay current with Word’s arbitrary UI changes, Flare appears to be a gift to humanity by comparison. I say just jump in.
Ira Carter
Documentation Manager | VISA U.S.A.
“I would say stick with it if you have any need for single sourcing. If you do, you will find you more than make up for the time you spend now when it comes to new outputs and updating documents later. Think through what it is you want to do in your documentation lifecycle and you will find Flare will do all the hard work for you.
Rick Harrowing
Technical Author | Secure Documentation Services
“Having traveled from Word, FrameMaker®, RoboHelp®, Help & Manual to MadCap, during my years as a Technical Writer, MadCap Flare is by far the most versatile tool, I have ever used – and the online possibilities look more than promising.
Lars Lyhne
Technical Communicator | Welltec A/S
“I started using Flare last year for a private project, having previously used XMetal and years of FrameMaker® (up to V8). A lot of the principles are the same between Flare and FrameMaker®, but of course the implementation is different. MadCap has some good tutorials and webinars, which help with learning the product. I found it to be a much more integrated tool that worked okay for me straight out of the box.
Richard Truscott
Technical Author
“One of my Flare projects results in a 3,000+ page PDF. It takes several hours to produce the final output, given all the steps required to assemble the PDFs, but it is a million times better than Word, which took weeks (literally) to accomplish the same task.
Matthew Danda
System Documentation Analyst | Actuarial Resources Corporation
“Flare is one of the top tools used to create print and online documentation. I’d say it is worth the time and effort.
Steve Arrants
Content Development Specialist | Dartmouth Journal Services
“Flare is complex and powerful. I use it daily and highly recommend it. If you buy this software, I suggest you lean heavily on the online forums to learn how to use it.
Craig Cardimon
Technical Writer | Marketing Systems Group
“We had 150+ FM books. They all import in minutes with hardly any extra work in Flare.
Thomas Bro-Rasmussen
Owner | Lokomatik
“I cannot imagine scaling and growing my business without Flare–it’s simply invaluable. For beginners, they should definitely take the plunge to learn it and incorporate it into their processes.
Arie Stavchansky
Ph.D., Founder | Dataclay
“My mind has been blown – I’ve been using MadCap Flare since version 6 and have never used reports or file tags! I think I’m going to cry with delight!
Jenny Richards
Technical Author | FIS Global
“The best online help authoring tool, bar none.
Nancy Carpenter Woodruff
Technical Writer
“MadCap Flare is hands-down the best help authoring tool I have ever used.
Paul Pehrson
Certified Trainer and Consultant | DocGuy Training
“MadCap Flare allows us to create more content in less time. Using Flare, we have been able to design a complex help system for a variety of audiences that is easy-to-use.
John Moore
Lead Technical Writer | Extreme Networks
“I like that MadCap Flare is a wholly integrated SDK-like environment. I do tools and automation work in a documentation group, and Flare makes my life so much easier than other packages. If something puzzles me, there’s only one place I need to look. Previously it took about 6 pieces of software to piece together a documentation build.
Bill Balint
Principal Technical Writer | ClearSky Data
“MadCap Flare offers a feature set and an ease of use that is far better than any competitors. The product is easy to use, offers an amazing set of features, and works very well.
Joseph Knasinski
Senior Technical Writer | CoreLogic
“MadCap Flare has saved countless hours over the last two years. In the past, when something changed, it could take hours or weeks to make the change – now, it’s as simple as using Find/Replace or modifying a snippet. It is allowing me to spend more time‘moving to the next level’ and I am not as frustrated with last minute changes.
Bonnie Whitmire
Documentation/Project Manager | LabTech Software
“MadCap Flare is intuitive, easy to use, and fun to explore. I like that no matter how much I use it, there are always more useful features to be discovered.
Eden Olena
Knowledge Center Analyst | TransUnion
“MadCap Flare is a tool that makes the impossible possible. As a solo writer I would not be able to support my company’s range of products without Flare. Flare is a robust tool with a lot of features that exceed my expectations.
Mark Gates
Documentation Manager | Access Information Management
“I have been using MadCap Flare for about six years for help authoring and PDF production. Once I developed the style sheets, writing became the focus not wrestling with the tool. Managing styles across multiple projects is a breeze, much easier than in tools with embedded style sheets.
Dave Menges
Technical Writer | KMC Controls
“There is so much you can do with MadCap Flare when it comes to single-source publishing. The more I learn, the more impressed I am with this.
Rosa Davis
Hospitality and Ticketing Operations Professional | Cirque du Soleil
“Once you have learned the basics, you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish. MadCap Flare can help you look like a superstar with what you will be able to create.
Linda Williams
WebHelp Developer | Intradiem
“Before we used MadCap Flare, it took 40+ hours to update all of our user guides even when all we changed was the software release number and release date on the covers. Now it takes me about an hour, all alone, because I’ve automated it all in Flare.
Michelle LeTeigner
Documentation Manager | Compusearch
“My company has over 30 documentation projects for software applications that are updated using agile development, and requests for major and minor changes arrive continually. We need to keep on top of the job, and Flare allows us to achieve this.
Nigel Bennett
Senior Technical Writer | Confirmit
“It was the easiest transition, learning curve, and solution I have ever seen in a software, ever! It is intuitive, surprising, and even teaches you through example. I’m amazed and will be hard pressed to ever move away from MadCap Flare for any reason. Now I’m looking for more reasons and ways to use Flare in our daily operations.
Theresa J. Coyle
CAD Tech/Tech Pub Writer, Environmental Compliance, and Digital Artist, | Henke Manufacturing
“MadCap Flare is the most versatile tool I’ve used in more than 10 years as a Technical Writer. I would recommend it above all of the other options because it’s easy, it’s inexpensive, and it allows you to create highly dynamic documentation for any audience, consumed on any medium.
John Moore
Lead Technical Writer | Extreme Networks
“There is simply no better solution than MadCap Flare if you need multiple output formats, content conditioning, single-sourcing, source control integration, or context-sensitive help, all in an easy-to-use package. It doesn’t get any better than this.
Mike Kelley
Principal Information Developer | inContact
“With MadCap Flare, I can release both online help and PDF manuals the same day as the latest release. With the advent of responsive design, one file suffices for both desktop and mobile; the PDF output requires only the addition of a cover page with NO hand adjustments. Bliss!
Rowan Polly
Technical Writer | Tyler Technologies
“Flare is off the charts, so much better than any other writing tool I’ve used. Keep at it! I believe it’s the best on the market.
Kathi Hennebry
“Working with Flare and the MadCap Team is, in and of itself, inspiring.
Candace Roberts
Sr. Technical Writer & Help Author | Galaxy Control Systems
“I’d definitely recommend MadCap Flare. I moved to Flare from RoboHelp® over three years ago and haven’t looked back. I have multiple outputs to PDF, an HTML help system attached directly to our own software and a standalone HTML5, top navigation help system that clients can take away on a USB. I can’t imagine using anything else now.
Fiona Hunter
Technical Author | Midland Valley
“I’ve become such an evangelist for all things MadCap Software, the managers at my company say,‘We want our clients to be as excited about our software as David is about MadCap Flare.’
David Wright
Technical Writer | InfinityQS International
“MadCap Flare 2017 r3 adds three enhancements that I’ve been waiting to use for quite some time. The Text Analysis feature is especially useful, allowing me to write text so readers can focus on getting the help they need. This is one helpful tool!
Scott Parsons
Technical Writer | ScottWrites4You
“The new Style Inspector in MadCap Flare 2017 r3 is amazing! I’ll be using this constantly in my projects. The reading analysis feature also saves time and effort when updating our content; I no longer have to use outside tools to analyze my text!
Alwyn Durham
Senior Technical Writer | Evisions
“I really like the formatting window as it can give me the relevant info about styles without opening the style sheet. Also, the Repeat Last Action is a great addition!
Marion Verhaegh
Technical Author | Soft Byte LTD
“I’ve been a user of Help authoring tools from the pre-RoboHelp days. In light of that experience, working with Flare is a just a joy – rock solid. Please convey my happiness to your support group and to your development team for their skill and care.
Lee Kessler
Technical Writer |
“I just downloaded the Flare 2017 r2 release and built my online output. The build time went down from 7 minutes, 48 seconds to just 2 minutes, 8 seconds. Fantastic! It’s even better than in Flare 12! I’m lost for words.
Åsa Sundin
Technical Writer | Episerver
“We love having MadCap Analyzer built into MadCap Flare. It makes it so much easier to use.
Karrie Ann Ogilvie
“I have been using MadCap Flare for my client to do some really cool stuff, along with MadCap Central and Pulse. I think that the MadCap Software product suite is truly awesome. Thank you for introducing me to it – my days as a Technical Author will never be the same again
Robert Mitchell
RM Writing & Consultancy Services
“MadCap Flare all day, every day over Adobe RoboHelp. I used RoboHelp exclusively for seven years. Switched to Flare five years again and never looked back!
Sallie Leo
Division of Child Support Services, DES, State of Arizona
“MadCap Flare lets me put flexibility back into my documents, and does everything I was looking for and more! With Flare’s single-sourcing capabilities, I no longer need to manually change the header on over 1,400 documents. In addition, their support team is fantastic and training ensures that our team gets the maximum use out of the product.
Scott Jarrold
Technical Writer
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